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2024-2025 Registration

For singers who are registering for the fall semester (Sep-Dec) and/or the full year (Sep-May), during the 2024-25 school year.

Questions? Email us at

Para cantantes que se están inscribiendo para la semestre de otoño (septiembre-diciembre), y/o el año completo (septiembre a mayo), durante el año 2024-25.

Preguntas a

Answer the first few questions to learn your payment rate.

Section 1 of 5: Session Selection and Tuition/Scholarships

Tuition / Matrícula

BYC uses a sliding scale tuition model to support families of all circumstances. Your tuition payment is based on your gross household income and the length of enrollment (full year vs. one semester). You may opt for a monthly payment plan, or pay your tuition rate in full.

Please review this document to see our full tuition schedule. Monthly payment plans are automatically charged to the credit card provided until the tuition is paid in full.

Tuition, including monthly payment plans, is nonrefundable. 

BYC ahora tiene un horario de matrícula para apoyar a familias de todas circunstancias. Su pago de matrícula se basa del ingreso bruto del hogar y el periodo de inscripción (semestre o año completo). Usted puede escoger un plan de pago mensual o pagar en completo.

Por favor revise este documento para ver el horario completo de matrícula. Los planes de pago mensuales se cargan automáticamente a la tarjeta de crédito hasta que la matrícula se pague en su totalidad. 

La matrícula, incluso planes de pago mensual, no es reembolsable.

Ingreso bruto del hogar
Read Carefully: Tuition Instructions (Tier 1, Fall)

Please enter one of the following options in the field below:

  • To Pay in Full: $100, paid One Time
  • For Monthly Payment Plan: $25, paid Monthly (4 times)
  • For Need-Based Scholarship Application: $25, paid One Time

Por favor escriba una de las siguientes opciones abajo:

  • Para Pagar en completo: $100, pagado One Time
  • Para Plan da pago mensual: $25, pagado Monthly (4 veces)
  • Para Beca en baso de la necesidad: $25, pagado One Time
Read Carefully: Tuition Instructions (Tier 1, Full Year)

Please enter one of the following options in the field below:

  • To Pay in Full: $184, paid One Time
  • For Monthly Payment Plan: $23, paid Monthly (8 times)
  • For Need-Based Scholarship Application: $25, paid One Time

Por favor escriba una de las siguientes opciones abajo:

  • Para Pagar en completo: $184, pagado One Time
  • Para Plan da pago mensual: $23, pagado Monthly (8 veces)
  • Para Beca en baso de la necesidad: $25, pagado One Time
Read Carefully: Tuition Instructions (Tier 2, Fall)

Please enter one of the following options in the field below:

  • To Pay in Full: $184, paid One Time
  • For Monthly Payment Plan: $46, paid Monthly (4 times)

Por favor escriba una de las siguientes opciones abajo:

  • Para Pagar en completo: $184, pagado One Time
  • Para Plan da pago mensual: $46, pagado Monthly (4 veces)
Read Carefully: Tuition Instructions (Tier 2, Full Year)

Please enter one of the following options in the field below:

  • To Pay in Full: $312, paid One Time
  • For Monthly Payment Plan: $39, paid Monthly (8 times)

Por favor escriba una de las siguientes opciones abajo:

  • Para Pagar en completo: $312, pagado One Time
  • Para Plan da pago mensual: $39, pagado Monthly (8 veces)
Read Carefully: Tuition Instructions (Tier 3, Fall)

Please enter one of the following options in the field below:

  • To Pay in Full: $260, paid One Time
  • For Monthly Payment Plan: $65, paid Monthly (4 Times)

Por favor escriba una de las siguientes opciones abajo:

  • Para Pagar en completo: $260, pagado One Time
  • Para Plan da pago mensual: $65, pagado Monthly (4 veces)
Read Carefully: Tuition Instructions (Tier 3, Full Year)

Please enter one of the following options in the field below:

  • To Pay in Full: $464, paid One Time
  • For Monthly Payment Plan: $58, paid 8 times

Por favor escriba una de las siguientes opciones abajo:

  • Para Pagar en completo: $464, pagado One Time
  • Para Plan da pago mensual: $58, pagado Monthly (8 veces)
Read Carefully: Tuition Instructions (Tier 4, Fall)

Please enter one of the following options in the field below:

  • To Pay in Full: $360, paid One Time
  • For Monthly Payment Plan: $90, paid Monthly (4 times)

Por favor escriba una de las siguientes opciones abajo:

  • Para Pagar en completo: $360, pagado One Time
  • Para Plan da pago mensual: $90, pagado Monthly (4 veces)
Read Carefully: Tuition Instructions (Tier 4, Full Year)

Please enter one of the following options in the field below:

  • To Pay in Full: $620, paid One Time
  • For Monthly Payment Plan: $77.50, paid Monthly (8 times)

Por favor escriba una de las siguientes opciones abajo:

  • Para Pagar en completo: $620, pagado One Time
  • Para Plan da pago mensual: $77.50, pagado Monthly (8 veces)

Section 2 of 5: Singer Information

(mm/dd/yyyy) Fecha de cumpleaños de cantante
Grado en septiembre de 2024
Tipo de escuela
Distrito escolar

Indicar distrito escolar

¿Como te enteraste de BYC?

Por favor explique más:
All singers will receive an official BYC Summer Sing T-shirt! ¡Todos cantantes reciben una camisa oficial de Summer Sing!

¿Su estudiante tiene alguna alergia, condición o enfermedad que podría requerir atención especial? Sí o no? Si "sí, por favor explique.

¿Su cantante prohibido de participar en algunas actividades fícisas? Si "sí," por favor explique.
Demographic Information / Información demográfica

Please check the box(es) that best describe(s) your singer. Por favor indique la(s) opcion(es) que mejor describen su cantante.
Pronombres de cantante

Section 3 of 5: Contact Information


¿Tiene su cantante otro padre/guardiano?


¿El padre/guardián #2 tiene una dirección de envio diferente de la del padre/guardián #1?

Organización/empleador del padre/guardiano #2
¿Quiere autorizar a otra persona (además de los padre(s)/guardian(es) enlistados arriba) de ser permitido a recoger a su(s) cantante(s) de eventos de BYC? Esta persona será enlistado como un contacto de emergencia. SOLO permitimos a las personas que están enlistado en esta forma de inscripción de recoger a su(s) cantante(s).

Singer Contact

By providing the singer’s cell phone and email address, BYC can share educational materials and instructions directly with the singer in addition to sharing with the parents/guardians.

Si se indican el teléfono y correo electrónico del cantante, BYC puede compartir materiales adicionales y instrucciones directamente con el cantante, además de compartirlos con los padres/guardianos.



Section 4 of 5: Parent/Guardian Volunteering Opportunities / oportunidades de ser voluntario

You won't be expected to do everything you select! ¡No vamos a pedir que haga cada que seleccione!
Por favor seleccione a lo menos tres (3) de las siguientes días cuando podría ser un voluntario con BYC este año. Probablemente no se necesite para todos los días que seleccione.
Por favor seleccione a lo menos tres (3) de las siguientes días cuando podría ser un voluntario con BYC este año. Probablemente no se necesite para todos los días que seleccione.

Section 5 of 5: Agreements

Copy and paste this link into another browser tab to review the policy: Copie y pege este enlace a otra pestaña del navegador para examinar la política:
I understand that attendance is more than learning notes: it is essential to the process of forming an ensemble. 1) My singer will arrive at least 5 minutes early to every rehearsal, and attend every rehearsal in its entirety. 2) My singer will bring music, water and a pencil to every rehearsal. 3) I understand that my singer is allowed up to 2 unexcused absences per semester. Absences are only excused for emergencies, and on a case-by-case basis approved before the missed rehearsal by the ensemble director. 4) If my singer has more than two (2) unexcused absences, or an excessive number of excused absences, this may trigger a conversation with the Executive Director about whether my singer may continue to sing with BYC for the remainder of the semester. 5) I will receive a detailed rehearsal/performance schedule before the season begins, and I will communicate any conflicts with the schedule to as early as possible. /// Entiendo que asistencia es sobre más que aprender la música: es esencial al proceso de formar un conjunto. 1) Mi cantante va a llegar a lo menos 5 minutos temprano a cada ensayo, y asistir cada ensayo completamente. 2) My cantante va a traer su música, agua y una lápiz a cada ensayo. 3) Entiendo que mi cantante se permite 2 ausencias inexcusadas por semestre. Ausencias solo son excusadas para emergencias, y caso por caso si la noticia de ausencia se recibe antes del ensayo de la ausencia. 4) Si mi cantante tiene más que dos (2) ausencias inexcusadas, o un número excesivo de ausencias excusadas, el director podría querer una conversación sobre la participación de mi cantante para el resto de esa semestre. 5) Voy a recibir un calendario de ensayos y eventos de BYC antes que empiece la sesión, y voy a comunicar todos conflictos con el calendario a tan pronto como sea posible.
I understand that my singer is expected to attend the entirety of each rehearsal. I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that my singer arrives promptly, and is picked up on time. If I cannot ensure the singer's prompt dropoff and pickup, I must reach out to Berks Youth Chorus to notify them of our tardiness. Someone is only authorized to pick up or drop off my singer from a BYC event if I have listed them here as a parent/guardian or additional pickup/dropoff/emergency contact. /// Entiendo que mi cantante se espera de asistir toda la duración de cada día de Summer Sing/ensayo. Entiendo que tengo responsibilidad de asegurar que mi cantante llegue prontamente, y se recoja a la hora de que termina el ensayo. Si no puedo asegurar la dejada y recogida de my cantante, debo avisarles a Berks Youth Chorus de mi tardanza. Alguien solo es autorizado de dejar o recoger a mi cantante de un evento de BYC si le he listado aquí como un padre/guardián o contacto de recoger/emergencia.
The music given to singers during rehearsals is the property of Berks Youth Chorus. All music must be returned in good condition (minimal tears and creases, markings in pencils NOT pens, etc.). // La música que es dado a los cantantes es la propiedad de Berks Youth Chorus. Toda la música debe ser devuelto en condición buena.
I understand that this agreement constitutes permission to use rehearsal, press, and production photos of my singer for general distribution. I hereby grant Berks Youth Chorus all rights to use, reproduce, photograph, record, and otherwise disseminate any aspect of my singer’s performance and participation, it being understood that no compensation be made for this use. This agreement constitutes permission to use my family’s email addresses for BYC communication and marketing purposes, including, but not limited to, email newsletters. I further agree that my singer will appear at, and faithfully cooperate in, all publicity or promotional events scheduled by Berks Youth Chorus including television, radio, newspaper, and public appearances. This publicity and marketing agreement is made by the parent/guardian of the singer, a minor and his or her estate. /// Entiendo que este acuerdo constituye el permiso de utilizar fotos de my cantante desde las actividades de BYC para distribución público. Yo otorgo a Berks Youth Chorus todas las derechas de usar, reproducir, fotografiar, recordar y de cualquier manera diseminar cualquier aspecto de la apariencia de la participación y actualización de mi cantante, sin esperanza de compensación para su uso. Este acuerdo constituye permiso de usar los correos electrónicos de mi familia para la comunicación y márketing, incluyo pero no limitado a boletines del correo electrónico. Además estoy de acuerdo que mi cantante aparacerá o cooperará en todos events de la publicidad o de promociones que son programados de Berks Youth Chorus, incluyo los de televisión, radio, periódicos y apariciones públicas. Este acuerdo de publicidad y márketing se hecha del padre/guardián del cantante, un menor y su inmuebles.
In consideration of the opportunity for their minor child to receive the educational and musical benefits of BYC's membership, Parents and legal guardians (referred to collectively as "Guardians") agree as follows: The minor child may participate in all BYC rehearsals, performances, tours and other BYC events, and GUARDIANS hereby authorize BYC and its staff and Directors to involve said minor in such rehearsals, performances, tours and events. GUARDIANS agree that said minor will be under the control and authority of such BYC Officers, staff and Directors, and that such Officers, staff and Directors may exercise parental supervision over the child. This constitutes an assignment of temporary guardianship, and Directors may exercise control and make all decisions thereunto pertaining. GUARDIANS further agree that they will, at all times, hereafter indemnify and save harmless BYC and its Officers, Directors, staff, parents, members and volunteers, both individually and in their capacity as such Officers, Directors, staff, parents, members and volunteers, and/or any other organization under whose auspices or in whose premises the minor may rehearse or perform and/or individual and/or organization providing transportation for said minor, from and against all claims, suits, damages, costs, losses, and expenses in any manner resulting from or arising out of said minor’s participation in such rehearsals, performances, and/or tours. It is understood that any medical, hospital, and surgical expenses, incurred as a result of treatment recommended, shall be borne by such GUARDIANS and, to the extent that such expenses may first be paid by BYC, GUARDIANS agree to reimburse it for such expenditures. GUARDIANS acknowledge that participating in BYC rehearsals, activities, performances and other events may include a possible exposure to a communicable disease including but not limited to MRSA, influenza, and COVID-19. GUARDIANS further acknowledge that they are aware of the risks associated with COVID-19 and that certain vulnerable individuals may have greater health risks associated with exposure to COVID-19. While particular recommendations and personal discipline may reduce the risks associated with participating in athletics during the COVID-19 pandemic, the risk of serious illness, medical complications, and possible death does exist. GUARDIANS knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence of others, and assume full responsibility for Student’s participation in BYC rehearsals, activities, performances and other events during the COVID-19 pandemic. GUARDIANS willingly agree to comply with the stated recommendations put forth by the Berks Youth Chorus to limit the exposure and spread of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases. We certify that the minor child is in good physical condition or believe the minor child to be in good physical condition and allow participation in these events at our own risk. In consideration of the amount of time spent in rehearsals, performances, and/or tours, GUARDIANS also agree that emergency medical, including surgical treatments, may be authorized by said Officers, Directors and staff on GUARDIANS’ behalf when he/she cannot be immediately contacted. This agreement shall be binding upon my/our heirs, successors, administrators and assigns. By printing the Guardian's name above, the Guardian signs this binding agreement.
In order to coordinate transportation for BYC rehearsals and events, I agree to share my physical address in the BYC Singer Directory, only visible to BYC families. / Para coordinar transportación hacia y desde prácticas, estoy de acuerdo con compartir mis direcciones con las familias de BYC.

Privacy Policy

We occasionally contact parents of our singers via SMS text message to communicate time-sensitive program information. By providing a telephone number and submitting the form you are consenting to be contacted by SMS text message. Message and Data Rates may apply. You can stop messaging by sending STOP and get more help by sending HELP. Visit for more information.

Support All of our Singers

Please donate to BYC, so that we can continue providing financial assistance to all families:

Por favor done a BYC para que podamos continuar a proporcionar asistencia financiera a todas familias:

Give to BYC