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5K for Healthcare + Pancake Breakfast

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Since 2012, Clackamas Free Clinic (or CFC, formerly Clackamas Volunteers in Medicine) has served the health needs of thousands of adults who are low income and uninsured (or underinsured) in Clackamas County. Our incredible team of volunteers donate their time and expertise to provide free and inclusive healthcare services to those in need.

Free clinics like CFC help reduce the strain on the health care system by reducing visits to the ER. It also allows folks without access to care the peace of mind of being able to seek medical services without the stress of incurring a financial burden. Many patients come to the clinic after deferring healthcare for years, but our aim is to treat ailments before they take their toll physically, mentally, and financially.

With the recent move to our newly renovated facility on campus at Clackamas Community College, we have been able to expand our services, hours, and outreach efforts. The clinic is growing and we’re on track to deliver over 1,500 free medical appointments and over 250 vision appointments in 2024. 

The clinic is funded entirely by community donations and grants. Your sponsorship helps us continue to offer free primary care, vision exams & low-cost glasses, reproductive and sexual health services, educational opportunities, and so much more.

Health care and health insurance can be complicated and expensive. Your support improves the health of our community by empowering individuals to take action towards living a healthier life.

Sponsorship levels and benefits

$250 – Friends
- Free Registration for team of 2

$500 – Walker
- Free Registration for team of 2
- Shoutout at starting line

$1,000 – Jogger
- Logo on 2024 5K T-shirts
- Free Registration for team of 2
- Shoutout at starting line
- Recognition signage at event

$1,500 – Pacer
- Logo on 2024 5K T-shirts
- Free Registration for team of 4
- Shoutout on social media & at starting line
- Recognition signage at event

$2,500 – Runner
- Logo on 2024 5K T-shirts
- Free Registration for team of 6
- Shoutout on social media & at starting line
- Recognition signage at event
- Swag + Information table at event

$5,000 – Sprinter
- Logo on 2024 5K T-shirts
 -Registration for team of 8
- Shoutout on social media & at starting line
- Event Recognition Signage
- Swag + Information table at event
-Opportunity to design and donate company water bottles with logo

All sponsors will also be recognized on our event website!


When you're ready to make your sponsorship donation, please complete the form and upload your logo below. 

Questions about sponsorship or the event?
Click here to contact Alexi

Thanks for supporting Clackamas Free Clinic! 


Contact Information

Upload your logo here!