Please read carefully
*** Assumption of COVID risk and disclaimer ***
I acknowledge the contagious nature of Coronavirus / Covid 19 (Covid) and that the Centers for Disease Control and other public health authorities recommend practicing social distancing, face covering, and other measures to prevent the spread of disease.
Additionally, I acknowledge that Olivewood Gardens and Learning Center (OGLC) has implemented preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID.
I understand that OGLC cannot guarantee that members of your household will not be infected with COVID. I acknowledge that the risk that members of my household or others attending events will be exposed to or infected by COVID may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including but not limited to OGLC staff, visitors, participants or their families.
I recognize that participating in events or visiting Olivewood property may increase our risk and exposure to COVID-19. I acknowledge that I will follow all procedures established by OGLC to ensure risk reduction as much as possible, such as wearing masks and social distancing. If someone attending the event receives a positive COVID test result up to two weeks after attending an event or facility rental, I will contact the Olivewood Gardens staff immediately at 619-434-4260 and / or
I hereby release and agree to hold Olivewood Gardens harmless and waive on behalf of myself, the members or my family or guests at our event, any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses and compensation for damages. or loss to me and / or property that may be caused by any act, or lack of action, by OGLC, or that may arise in any other way in connection with any service provided by OGLC. I understand that this release exempts Olivewood Gardens from any liability or claim that I, members of my household, or guests at my event may have against Olivewood with respect to any bodily harm, injury, illness, death, medical treatment, or damage to the property that may arise out of, or in connection with, any service received from Olivewood. This disclaimer and release extends to Olivewood Gardens with all partners and employees.