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Alumni Profile Update Form

Contact Information




Family Information

Professional Information

NECO Engagement Opportunities

Alumni Data Policy

Alumni data is used only for NECO purposes, such as promoting alumni events and programming; fundraising; and institutional research, such as accreditation, academic department assessment and other statistical measures that help program development.  NECO will not sell your data. In addition, alumni contact information, demographic data and donor information is kept on our secure enterprise system and is not available to the public.

Why do we collect and maintain alumni data?

To share news and events with you. If we do not have your email address, we cannot send you our e- newsletters and information about our academic programs, volunteer opportunities, upcoming events including continuing education, class notes and other good news from alumni.

To measure the success of our programs. By knowing where our alumni work and the services they provide their patients, we are able to see how best to prepare graduates for the future of optometry and optometric practice. Staying in contact with our alumni is one of the ways we make sure our programs are best serving our students.

To share with accreditation committees. We look to alumni information to prove to these accreditors that our programs are indeed helping students build successful careers as Optometrists.  We don’t share individual alumni information, but we do report how many of our alumni pursue additional graduate degrees and the types of career paths that our alumni take.

To ask you for your support. Throughout the year, we will share with you opportunities to support the areas of NECO that matter most to you.