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Stony Kill Foundation Volunteer Application

Please complete the application below. Applicants will be contacted by email after passing a background check and when there's a volunteer opportunity. Volunteers under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult when volunteering at the farm unless volunteering with others or with an approved SKF volunteer/staff person.


All applicants will be submitted to a background check.

Please check all that apply.
If you have a skill that can be beneficial to our committees, consider joining one of the following:
Interested in committing to a seasonal project. Please choose any of the following. Training will be provided.
Please check all that apply

We often take pictures and videos during volunteer projects to share on our social media, website, and publications. May we include you in photos/videos taken for Stony Kill Foundation promotional use?
Please read over our Code of Conduct


Stony Kill Foundation (SKF) Volunteers are required to accept and adhere to the Volunteer Code of Conduct as adopted by the governing board on August 27, 2018. As such you agree to:

  • Adhere to SKF rules, policies, and guidelines that relate to volunteer activity and programs.
  • Execute SKF business in a manner consistent with the mission, goals, and objectives of the SKF.
  • Abstain from using your SKF status for personal financial gain.
  • Abstain from using your SKF status for business financial gain.
  • Fulfill your assigned volunteer duties, including completion of records or reports, in a timely fashion.
  • Use your time efficiently and work cooperatively with SKF staff and other volunteers.
  • Participate in appropriate training programs as necessary, and apply what I learn.
  • Accept supervision and support from SKF paid staff and/or volunteers as assigned.
  • Respect and uphold the rights and dignity of all paid staff, all volunteers, and all participants in the SKF programs, recognizing that people’s values, beliefs, customs, strengths, backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives differ.
  • Abstain from the use of alcohol, tobacco, and inappropriate language while on the premises or engaged in any SKF activities on or off premises.
  • Recognize that illegal acts will be prosecuted.
  • Recognize that abusive acts will not be tolerated.
  • Report all unsafe conditions and accidents to the SKF Program Director, or, in the director’s absence, another SKF staff member as soon as possible.
  • Set the example for a harassment-free environment by speaking respectfully to or about fellow volunteers, other SKF staff members, and SKF participants and visitors.
  • Resolve differences with others respectfully, consulting the SKF Program Director when needed.
  • Keep professional all online and social media interactions about SKF, its programs, staff, or volunteers.
  • Never post any incident or interaction learned as a result of your volunteer work on-line or through social media without the knowledge of the Program Director.
  • Report any incident or negative interaction you have with visitors or participants to the director in a timely fashion.
  • Recognize that your participation as a volunteer at SKF and/or in an SKF program is at the discretion of the foundation. It may be terminated without recourse or appeal by the SKF Program Director at any time for any reason.

Accident Waiver and Release of Liability Form

Before completing your application, please read over the Accident Waiver and Release of Liability Waiver by clicking here.

If under 18 years old, Parent or Guardian must also type their full name.
