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ESC New Volunteer Orientation (10:00-11:00 AM) September 28, 2024

Join us for a IN-PERSON, one-hour info session about the various volunteer opportunities at the Environmental Science Center. Learn about ESC history, what opportunities are available, and requirements to join our team. 

Meet at the Renton, WA Building in Liberty Park.

1101 Bronson Way N, Renton, WA 98057

Contact our Community Engagement Manager for questions at

Contact Information


I am fully aware that being a program participant with the Environmental Science Center (ESC) involves certain risks of physical injury or death. I am informed of these risks and I assume all risk of injury to myself or my child. I accept and agree to release and hold harmless the ESC and the City of Burien.
I hereby grant permission for the Environmental Science Center and their affiliates to use any pictures, video footage, quotes, or student work involving or related to me or any children for whom I am a caretaker. These materials are being taken or collected and shared with my knowledge and permission.