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Contact Information


Classroom Information

The number of classrooms you are registering (enter "1" if you are only registering your own classroom).

If you are signing up multiple classrooms, list the total number of students.
Please select multiple if you teach a multi-grade classroom or are registering multiple classrooms in different grades.

Please include your classroom in this section in addition to the other classrooms you are signing up. If you are only signing up your own classroom, you can skip this question.

Poster Contest Registration Preferences

Knox-Lincoln SWCD Staff spend 30-45 minutes introducing the poster contest and key ideas related to the contest theme to your classroom through interactive activities. Classroom visits are available on Tuesdays and Fridays from December 12 through February 2, and are available on a first-come-first-serve basis. Teachers can choose to forgo this optional service and introduce the contest to students themselves. A resource guide with lesson plans and suggested activities will be provided to all teachers who participate.