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Volunteer Sign Up

Contact Information



Admin and Organizational Support: Board and Committee member, docent/greeter, filing and clerical work, fundraising, volunteer management, receptionist. Event/Project Teams: Hospitality committee, gardening, cleaning, event/program promotion, special event (East Carolina Pottery Festival, At the Gallery, and ArtWalk) Communications and Marketing: Graphic Design, website maintenance, Ambassador/Public Speaking, Photography, Video Production, writing/editing. Please check the box for any or all categories you are interested in. If there is an aspect of one section you dont wish to volunteer in, but would like to help in other areas, please still check the box.
If you would like to start volunteering with us regularly, you can by becoming a docent or volunteering in the Sales Gallery. Descriptions of both volunteer opportunities are above this form. If you check that you are interested in either(or both), we will contact you to set up a schedule.