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Donation Form

Contact Information

Select "YES" if you would prefer NOT to be listed by name in our public donor reports on the website and in Focus.

Donation Information

We are grateful for any amount you can give.
You can specify a fund for your donation or leave it in our General Fund to be used as needed.

This is the text that will appear after your name on our donor reports on the website and in Focus. Examples: IMO Holly, IHO Frances, with gratitude
If you would like someone notified of your special donation, please fill out the information below.

Donation Notification

If you would like to notify someone that you made a gift in their honor, or notify someone about a donation in memory of someone, we'll need some additional information.

IWF Membership

If you haven't joined yet, please consider doing so now. Your membership will run from the day you sign up until the end of our fiscal year (June 30).