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Evening Walk at Johannis Farm Wildlife Preserve - Thurs., Aug. 29, 5 pm

Register for the Walk

On Thursday, Aug. 29, at 5 pm, join a guided walk through the Johannis Farm Wildlife Preserve, a 32-acre expanse of field, forest and wetland between Sowams Road and the Palmer River. The walk will be led by Property Steward Bill Kirkpatrick and Land Trust Executive Director Cindy Elder.

It takes about an hour to walk the whole property. All ages are welcome.

You may park in the grassy lot at the entrance to Johannis Farm Wildlife Preserve, which is located between 461 and 475 Sowams Road (see below). If you have any questions, email

Johannis Map with Parking Arrow.jpg

Contact Information


If you require any special accommodations, please let us know.