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Gift Membership & Magazine Subscriptions

Giftees receive an email with news of their gift within 3-5 business days. Your receipt includes a printable certificate that can be personalized and given in acknowledgment of your gift!

Magazine Subscribers receive:
  • 1 Digitla Membership Card
  • Subscription to Unfold, the biannual magazine
  • Weekly design impact inspiration through the e-newsletter
  • Invitations to purchase tickets for events and programs
Members receive:
  • 1 Digital Membership Card
  • Subscription to Unfold, the biannual magazine
  • Weekly design impact inspiration through the e-newsletter
  • Invitations to publication launch events
  • Member-priced tickets to special events and Field Trips
  • FREE tickets to design-impact talks and community meet-ups
  • NEW Priority registration for professional development workshops
  • NEW participate in Design Sprints serving local non-profits (BOS)
  • NEW Access to the Deep Dive, with content specially-curated for Members
  • Recognition in the Annual Impact Report

Dual membership benefits include:

  • All of the above benefits for 2 people
  • +2 Digital Membership Cards

Dual membership benefits include:

  • All of the above benefits for 2 people
  • +2 Digital Membership Cards

Friend Membership benefits include:

  • All of the above benefits for 2 people
  • +2 Digital Membership Cards
  • Invitations to virtual brainstorming sessions that shape the content of our biannual Magazine and related programming

Friend Membership benefits include:

  • All of the above benefits for 2 people
  • +2 Digital Membership Cards
  • FREE tickets to annual conferences
  • Invitations to virtual brainstorming sessions that shape the content of our biannual Magazine and related programming

Advocate membership benefits include of the above, plus:

  • All of the above benefits for 2 people
  • +2 Digital Membership Cards
  • FREE tickets to annual conferences
  • Invitations to virtual brainstorming sessions that shape the content of our biannual Magazine and related programming
  • Recognition in the Magazine

Advocate membership benefits include of the above, plus:

  • All of the above benefits for 2 people
  • +2 Digital Membership Cards
  • Invitations to virtual brainstorming sessions that shape the content of our biannual Magazine and related programming
  • Recognition in the Magazine

(i.e. Magazine Subscription vs Membership)

This is a gift for:

We will use this email to distribute the digital membership card, magazine, and newsletter.

We will only use this number to respond to any questions received about their gift.

This is a gift from:

We will only use this to contact you with any issues related to your transaction.
