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Auction Donation Form
THANK YOU for your gift of an auction item! Because of your generous donation, Rocketown can continue to be a place of peace, purpose and possibilities for youth.
Description of donated item(s). Be as specific as you can.
GIFT CERTIFICATES: Please note expiration date(s).
List any expiration or blackout dates, and other NOTES
Redemption Instructions (if applicable)
Who to call or email and their contact information
Estimated Value of Donation (FMV)
Enter 0.00 if you don't know.
Delivery Details: Items must be received by Rocketown by 4:00 p.m. on Monday, September 30th.
I will deliver to Rocketown and hand it directly to Anna Griffin (615-913-3502).
I will mail to Anna Griffin at Rocketown (601 4th Ave South, Nashville, TN 37210).
I would like a volunteer to pick this up.
Donor Information
Type of Donor
Organization Contact
First Name
Last Name
Business/Donor Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
ZIP/Postal Code
Email Address
Verify Email
Phone Number
(if we have questions)
Your Logo
Upload your logo file (JPG/PNG) if you would like your logo featured in our auction in connection with your donation. Or email later to
Your Name (if completing this form for someone else)
First Name
Last Name
Who contacted you from Rocketown?
First Name
Last Name
I am interested in sponsorship
I am interested in tickets or a table
I am interested in volunteering
Thank you for your generous donation and investment in our youth!
For your records, our Tax ID number is 62-1571573