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Invasive Plant Walk and Talk Event Series Registration

Field Identification: Learn how to identify key terrestrial invasive plant species impacting Midcoast Maine.
June 12, 2024, 4 pm - 5:30 pm at Merryspring Nature Center

Management Strategies: Learn about the strategies employed at Merryspring to manage terrestrial invasive plant species.
July 17, 2024, 4 pm - 5:30 pm at Merryspring Nature Center

Each event is limited to 15 total individuals. 

Contact Information


Use this section if you are registering more than one person. Emails are used to communicate event details to all attendees.
Event Series Registration
During Invasive Plant Walk & Talk: Field Identification, attendees will learn how to identify key terrestrial invasive plant species impacting Midcoast Maine.
During Invasive Plant Walk & Talk: Management Strategies, attendees will learn about the strategies employed at Merryspring to manage terrestrial invasive plant species.

Additional Information

This helps us gauge what knowledge level attendees have prior to the program.