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Pro Bono Volunteer Registration

Contact Information


Preferred Contact Phone Number

Case Placement: Represent clients in their immigration, domestic violence, housing cases. After a thorough initial screening, cases that become available for placement will be shared with our registered volunteers. We will provide you with access to our case management system and training on how to use it, other training if required, and mentorship on all cases. Clinics: Our clinics provide in-person, limited engagement services. Volunteers provide advice and services on the day of the clinic only. We provide one-hour of CLE training - either on-site on the day of the clinic or remotely on a different day. This is a great opportunity for attorneys to learn a new area of law while serving low-income individuals. Attorneys will meet with individuals who have made appointments for the clinic. These events typically require 3-4 hours of a volunteer’s time, including the one-hour training. We are currently offering powers of attorney clinics and short-term guardianship clinics.

For example, we do not accept guardianship for disabled adult cases. If you are an attorney experienced in filing guardianships for disabled adults, and you would be willing to take a pro bono case in that subject area, please indicate so below.