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The University of Nebraska Press (UNP), founded in 1941, is the largest university press between Chicago and California. The Press publishes scholarly and general-interest books (with nearly 6,000 titles in print and digital formats and an additional 140 new titles released each year) and journals (with 32 different journals published each year) in general-interest topics ranging from the culture and history of the American West and Great Plains, published under our Bison Books imprint; memoir and fiction; spaceflight; sports, with an emphasis on the history of baseball; and world and international affairs, published under our Potomac Books imprint. Our scholarly list focuses on the history of the American West; environmental history; military history; world history, including Latin American and French colonial; Native and Indigenous studies; historical anthropology; women, gender, and sexuality studies; literary studies; and American studies. The Press also publishes books under The Backwaters Press imprint, and the books of The Jewish Publication Society.

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