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DigInVT Listing Form

This form is only for places joining DigInVT that are not a member of one of our partner organizations! If you are a member and don't see your location listed, please contact and we will update our database. Thank you.

Basic Contact Information


Public Directory Information

Additional contact & business details for the public directory

For display in a public directory listing - please keep length modest (we will edit for space & consistency in tone with other listings if necessary)

E-mail for customers to contact

Please note that DigInVT listed places must be open to the public - locations open only for occasional events should use the Event form to list those events, or inquire at about the process for a special events listing.

IMPORTANT: Larger images will be cropped and resized to fit 850px wide by 453px high. Smaller images will not display well. Landscape (horizontally) oriented photos will work best. Please do not send files over 1MB.
All DigInVT listings must meet these basic criteria - please check to indicate that you have read the criteria and agree that your operation meets them.
75% of the production volume of your featured wine must be from Vermont grown grapes or fruit.

Verification for Restaurants / Specialty Food Not Covered by Partner Associations

We need to verify that all DigInVT listings meet a minimum threshold of local foods purchased / served. The following information will be kept confidential.
Check all that apply - must be *regular* purchases (in season)

Or of time in operation if open less than a year

We define this as Vermont plus 30 miles

Provide a link to your menu here - if the use of local foods won't be obvious on your normal menu, please see next question.

If use of local food across categories won't be clear from materials available online, please enter here examples of regular dishes that demonstrate diverse use of local ingredients.

We require regular purchases from at least 4 local farms. Specialty food makers may meet this number *or* certify that a majority of your ingredients (not including water) are sourced locally.

Membership Dues