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BUN Adoption Application

Application to adopt a rabbit from Bunnies United Network in Illinois

Contact Information


About You

Include each member of your household, with ages

Pet History

Describe type, age, sex, spayed/neutered, kept indoors or outdoors, and how long you have owned them.

Include type, age, sex, spayed/neutered, indoors or outdoors, how long you owned them, when you stopped owning them, and the reason for not owning them any more.

Regarding Rabbits

Keep in mind that rabbits can live upwards of 10+ years and are a long term commitment.

Initial setup fees for a rabbit can cost up to $150. On-going expenses for food, toys, litter can be up to 40+ per month. Rabbit vet care can be expensive. Check-ups average $65 - 85 per visit. In general, plan on a yearly check-up for healthy rabbits under 5 years old. Ask your vet about rabbits 5+ years old. Emergency vet care can easily run in the hundreds of dollars.

Type your full name and date as an electronic signature