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Your gift to Orange County Hillel ensures that Jewish students across UC Irvine, Chapman University, Cal State Fullerton, and the area's community colleges feel the warmth of community, connection, and tradition.

This Giving Tuesday, your support empowers students to embrace their Jewish identities, celebrate Shabbat and holidays, form lifelong friendships, and lead with purpose. Today only, your generosity goes twice as far thanks to a matching gift – doubling the impact of every dollar you give!

Together, we can build a vibrant, welcoming, and safe space for thousands of Jewish students to thrive. Thank you for making a difference.

For donations of stock, donor-advised funds, or workplace giving, please email




Tribute Dedication

Select options below if you would like to dedicate your gift as a tribute.

Example: if the notification should begin "Dear Susan", enter "Susan" into this field.