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Kadima Membership Registration

Thank you for joining Kadima! Your membership supports our flourishing and growing community.

Members are welcome to join at any point in the year and your membership will automatically renew for the coming fiscal year in July.

You can always reach out to us at with any questions or to make changes to your recurring donation.

Adult Information


Please add post-B'mitzvah age teens under 18 as "children" rather than "adults."

Additional Adults

List only children for whom you are a primary contact

Children Information

Member Involvement

Kadima relies on volunteer efforts! Please select activities that you are excited about. We will be in touch as opportunities arise!

Members Only Kadima Member Directory

The member directory facilitates community and connection, and having a robust membership directory is an asset to the community. All members may decide how much info they wish to share and are welcome to opt-out if they so choose.
All listings in the member directory will include, at a minimum: First and last names of all adults, 1st adult's email address and phone number, and Geo Group. Each adult on the membership will have their own listing. Do you want to be listed in the Kadima Member Directory (which will be available only to members)?
The more information you list in the directory, the more useful the directory is to enable and encourage connections! Please consider adding these additional pieces of information to your listing:

Membership Dues and Nadiv Lev

Membership in Kadima is $36 per year for each adult (post-b'mitzvah age of 12 or 13).

In addition, we ask every member to contribute Nadiv Lev, a generous and meaningful gift of the heart. This monthly or yearly amount is determined by you. As a starting point, we ask you to consider giving 1.5-2% of your income.

For the 2024/25 fiscal year, if every household donated $166 per month (or $1,994 per year) in Nadiv Lev, that would cover our entire operating budget and would eliminate the need for additional annual fundraising. Members who donate more help support Kadima's inclusive financial structure and you are a vital part of our community regardless of your financial giving.


* All above amounts are suggested monthly and yearly nadiv lev donations. Please choose wherever on the list is aligned with your income and giving ability. Please consider using The Green Bottle tool for determining sliding scale when deciding where on the spectrum of nadiv lev you can give in support of Kadima.

Annual dues of $36 per post b'mitzvah-aged member.
Please select the ANNUAL amount that corresponds with your preferred monthly donation

Please type ANNUAL, not monthly, amount

Total Annual Giving

Please add your total Membership Dues and total Annual Nadiv Lev pledge together to get your Total Annual Giving amount. Enter the Total Annual Giving Amount below:

Add membership dues and ANNUAL Nadiv Lev together to get this number. (Do not include $ sign).
If paying by check, please send to Kadima, PO Box 28455, Seattle, WA 98118