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Sign Up to Become a U4H Partner
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Pastor Email
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Position Held at Church
Church Information
Church Name
select one
Not Listed
Antioch United Methodist Church
Belmont Church
Belmont United Methodist Church
Bethlehem United Primitive Baptist Church
Blakemore United Methodist Church
Brentwood United Methodist Church
Clark Memorial United Methodist Church
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Dixon Memorial United Methodist Church
Ethos Church
Faith Christian Reformed Church
Fourteenth Avenue Missionary Baptist Church
Grace Place - Nashville Church
Greater Nashville Church
Harpeth Hills Church of Christ
Hermitage Presbyterian Church
Holy Trinity Community Church
Jackson Park Church of Christ
Jefferson Street Missionary Baptist Church
Kairos-Ebenezer AME Church
Lakeshore Christian Church
Muhammad Mosque of Islam
Music City Church
Nashville First Church of the Nazarene
New Living Word Community of Faith
New Season Church
Rural Hill Church of Christ
Saint David's Episcopal Church
Watson Grove Missionary Baptist Church
Church Name if not Listed Above
Church Mailing Address
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ZIP/Postal Code
Is your church interested in becoming a United4Hope partner?
select one
Yes, and I will work to identify a coordinator.
Yes, but we need more information before we commit.
No, we are not interested.
What are some dates and times you are available for a follow-up phone call?
Estimated Size of Church Congregation
Partnership Information
What is the estimated age demographic of your church's potential volunteers?
Does your church have any existing relationships with schools?
select one
Which school(s) does your church have a relationship with?
Which type of school(s) is your church most interested in partnering with?
Select all that apply.
Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Is there a particular school(s) your church is interested in partnering with?
select one
Which school(s) is your church interested in?
Volunteer Opportunities of Interest:
Select all that apply.
Academic Achievement
Staff Encouragement
Family Engagement
In-Kind Contributions
Food Security
Is there anything else you want to share with the United4Hope team?