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February 22 Sips 'n' Science Buffet RSVP

In order to make the food preparation and delivery as simple and stress-free as possible for the Inferno Kitchen, please use this form to indicate how many in your party will be purchasing the dinner buffet option. Each person opting into the buffet will receive: pulled pork, tri-tip, and chicken (1/2 lb each per person), salad, rice, potato salad, and bread or tortillas. Note that there will be alternative buffet options for vegetarians and anyone with dietary restrictions, but we will need to get a count of how many folks would need these other menus. Please indicate below if you have a dietary preference or restriction, and we will make sure we have a meal option that works for you!

Contact Information

Please describe any dietary restrictions or preferences for you or someone coming with you (i.e. 1 lactose-free, 2 gluten-free, 3 vegetarian, etc.)
Please choose the number of people in your party that will be ordering a buffet dinner during Sips 'n' Science. Please note that payment will be due upon arrival, and that all beverages will be ordered separately and are not included in the price of the buffet.