Wyndham Land Trust

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Trail Ride for Open Space 2024


Contact Information


You will receive a free ride t-shirt!

Waiver of Liability


Under Connecticut General Statutes 52-557p each person engaged in recreational equestrian activities shall assume the risk and legal responsibility for any injury to his person or property arising out of the hazards inherent in equestrian sports, unless the injury was proximately caused by the negligence of the person providing the horse or horses to the individual engaged in recreational activities or the failure to guard or warn against a dangerous condition, use, structure or activity by the person providing the horse or horses or his agents or employees.  I certify that I have adequate insurance to cover any injury or damage I may cause or suffer while participating in a Wyndham Land Trust, Inc., sponsored event.  I agree I shall be solely responsible for the payment of any medical costs and expenses incurred on my behalf.

I agree to wear an ASTM/SEI certified helmet properly secured and footwear with a 1 inch to 1 ½ inch heel at all times when mounted during an event.


Assumption of Risk and General Release


I understand that riding horses can be a dangerous sport.  I recognize the inherent risks of injury involved in conducting horse activities, including horse activities with other riders, trail riding, horse transportation, etc.  I acknowledge these risks include, without limitation, failure of riders to control their horses, slippery and or uneven footing, rocks, tree branches and roots, and other conditions which may contribute to bodily injury and death to either horse or person.  I hereby assume those risks on behalf of myself, and my child or ward, if the rider is under 18 years old.

In addition, on behalf of myself and my child or ward, if the rider is under 18 years old I do hereby voluntarily release and hold harmless Wyndham Land Trust, Inc,  its officers, directors, members, agents, independent contractors, organizers, volunteers and employees from all actions, causes of actions, suits and any and all claims, demands, and liabilities whatsoever, in law and equity, which I may acquire against Wyndham Land Trust, Inc, in connection with any equestrian or equestrian related activities.


I acknowledge that Wyndham Land Trust, Inc, has occasions where these rides may transverse land of certain landowners and I will voluntarily release and hold harmless the landowners on whose property events may occur from any and all claims, demands, and liabilities which I may acquire as a result of a Wyndham Land Trust, Inc, sponsored event.  I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Wyndham Land Trust, Inc, all officers, directors and agents on account of any such claim.

Media Release

I give permission to Wyndham Land Trust to use, reproduce and or distribute pictures and or videos of me and or my horse, written communication from me and statements from me given during an interview, in, but not limited to, advertising, press releases, promotions and WLT social media and website accounts.

Note on Rabies and Coggins Verification

Please note: You will be contacted by the Ride Secretary for the required Rabies and Coggins documentation.