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Volunteer Onboarding Form

Role Information

Which volunteer role have you been recruited to fill?
If you are unsure, please check with the person who recruited you for this role.
Background Check Fee
  • If your service role requires you to work directly with clients in a one-on-one or group setting, you will have to run a background check on yourself and submit the results to your Freedom House Detroit supervisor.
  • The State of Michigan charges a fee for criminal background checks which it calls the Internet Criminal History Access Tool (ICHAT) check. Unfortunately, FHD cannot reimburse you for that fee.
  • To get a copy of your criminal background check, visit
  • Follow the instructions and then upload your results in the field below.
  • A past criminal offense does not disqualify you from service with Freedom House Detroit. Decisions will be made on a case by case basis and in the best interests of clients.

Please upload your background check results here.
Have you bookmarked the link to the service hours log? Now's your chance. The link is: Please log your hours weekly.

Contact & Emergency Information


If possible, please provide mobile number.

Please provide the Name, Relationship to you, and Phone number of your emergency contact.

Tell Us About Yourself

Please select the ethnicity with which you most identify.
Please check all that apply.

Please check all that apply.

Policies and Procedures

Statement of Purpose: To prepare volunteers/interns (referenced throughout this document as volunteers) for service at Freedom House Detroit (FHD) by informing them of the procedures and policies that support a mutually beneficial relationship between FHD, its clients, and the volunteers who give their time and talents to FHD. These Volunteer Policies and Practices apply to all FHD volunteers and supersede all existing policies and practices.

Introduction to FHD: All volunteers will receive an introduction to FHD to learn about its history and programs. The introduction may be provided by video, a staff person, or through printed documents.

Oversight: Each services department is responsible for vetting and managing volunteers recruited to serve within that department. Department staff will be supported by the Agency’s administrative team. Staff will clearly communicate to volunteers, so they know who to report to and how to do so.

Reporting: All volunteers are expected to report their service hours. This reporting is completed through an online form. FHD will provide a link to the form.

Public Statements: Only the Chief Executive Officer or his/her designee will conduct media communication or release information to the press or other public media.

Traveling Offsite with Clients: Clients must follow the off-site travel and transportation policies before traveling with a volunteer. Clients must provide proper notice to staff. Such notification includes providing staff with the name, mobile phone number, and license plate number of the volunteer escorting them off-site. Although volunteers are not responsible for seeking permission, FHD deeply appreciates volunteer support of this process.

Transporting Clients in an Official Capacity: I understand that if I drive any vehicle in service to FHD, I am responsible for maintaining a valid driver's license and valid auto insurance. I will notify my staff supervisor immediately should my driver's license become expired/revoked/suspended. I will not drive on behalf of FHD until I have provided FHD with documented proof that such issues have been resolved and until FHD has given me express permission to resume driving services. Volunteers cannot use FHD vehicles for such transportation unless express, written permission has been granted by FHD.

Confidentiality: Maintaining the confidentiality of clients, communications, documents, letters, reports, files, client conversations, etc. is required. Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information about FHD business or about FHD clients or staff is prohibited. To emphasize the importance of this policy, volunteers are required to sign a separate confidentiality agreement.

Photos: FHD strictly prohibits volunteers from taking photos of clients. Due to the nature of the asylum process, the risks faced by clients in the U.S. and by their families back home, photos are not allowed. FHD understands that this directive runs counter to social relationships and expects full cooperation for the safety of clients.

Professional Demeanor: Volunteers should dress and conduct themselves aligned with professional standards as set by FHD. FHD maintains its right to determine appropriate dress code.

Sexual Harassment: Moral and legal standards prohibit sexual harassment. Violations of these standards will not be tolerated and will result in termination of the volunteer’s services.

A volunteer experiencing sexual harassment should immediately communicate this behavior to the Chief Operating Officer (complaints against the Chief Operating Officer should be taken to the Chief Executive Officer). Freedom House Detroit will conduct an investigation and take appropriate action without delay.

Gifts: Volunteers may wish to give personal gifts directly to clients. In an effort to ensure appropriate boundaries, such gifts should be delivered through social services staff and not given directly to clients.

Disciplinary Action: If a volunteer engages in any behavior that FHD deems inappropriate or contrary to its policies, disciplinary action may be taken. Such actions can include verbal warnings, written warnings, and/or termination of the volunteer’s services. Such actions are the sole discretion of FHD.

If a request is made of the volunteer by FHD staff or clients which is uncomfortable for the volunteer or in conflict with FHD policy, the volunteer should notify the Chief Operating Officer. If the conflict is with the Chief Operating Officer or, if the volunteer is uncomfortable with the Chief Operating Officer, s/he should notify the Chief Executive Officer, so the problem can be properly rectified.

Disclaimers: FHD retains its management prerogative to make all volunteer-related decisions in the best interest of FHD. FHD reserves the right to modify, revoke, suspend, terminate or change all policies, plans, directives, rules, and communications of any type, written or unwritten, in whole or in part, at any time, with or without notice. Nothing contained in any policy, volunteer form, memorandum or any communication of any type is intended to create, nor shall be construed to constitute a contract between Freedom House Detroit and any one of all its volunteers.

FHD retains the right to verify and investigate volunteers and the information and documents they have providedin the course of signing-on to serve as volunteers. 

Volunteers waive any rights to bring action of defamation, invasion of privacy, or any similar cause against FHD or anyone contacted by FHD.

By selecting "Yes" below, I am acknowledging that I have read the Policies and Procedures and will abide by its provisions.

Confidentiality Agreement

As a volunteer or intern at Freedom House Detroit (FHD), I agree to observe the following rules and regulations for the duration of my service at FHD and after I have ended my association as a volunteer/intern:

By signing this agreement, I confirm that I will keep confidential all information that I learn, hear, read or otherwise come in contact with at FHD. I will maintain complete confidentiality of names, locations, personal histories, and other information pertaining to FHD’s clients’ past, present or future.

I understand that no identifying or personal information about clients is to be divulged by me except under the directive of FHD's Chief Executive Officer or Chief Operating Officer.

If I should fail to uphold this agreement, I will be immediately dismissed as a volunteer and could face additional action.

By selecting "Yes" below, I am acknowledging that I have read the Confidentiality Agreement and will abide by its provisions.