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CascadiaStrong Bi-Annual Report Form

Hello friendly Project Leader. Use this form to report your last six months of activties to us!

Please provide either email address(es) or phone number(s) where we can reach you if we have any questions or need to follow up regarding your report.
1. Project Activities

Supporters & funders are very interested in information on all project activities. Please individually list all project activities that took place during the above-specified reporting period. For each activity, include all of the following, as applicable: 

  1. Brief activity description
  2. Location
  3. Date and time
  4. Total number of people involved
    1. volunteers
    2. audience members/participants
  5. One or more result, reaction, or outcome you are proud of

Even actions like website editing, social media posts, community outreach, team leadership meetings, business partnership building, etc are activities we want to hear about!

Individual activity narratives may be submitted in the box below OR as a seperate attachement (upload your file at step 7.) If attaching, please indicate "attached" in the text box. Thank you!

This section is challenging to type in - sorry. There is no character limit. We recommend completing and editing your detailed report in a text document to copy and paste here! You may also type "attached" and upload an activity breakdown file at step 7.
2. Project Activities Summary

Please provide total summary data for all activities (estimates are fine) reported for quesion 1/all activities that took place during the above-specified reporting period. (These are totals of what was reported for individual activities in question 1, ie how many total hours did project leaders put into all reported activities during this reporting period/over the last six months?) 

Total Activity Leaders Involved

Number of Hours Leaders Put into All Activities

Total of Volunteers Running/at Activities

Number of Hours Volunteers Put into All Activities

Total of Participants, Performers, Students, etc. Involved in All Activities

Number of Hours Participants, Performers, Students, etc, Put into All Activities

Total Audience for All Activities

Number of Hours Audience Enjoyed All Activities
3. What progress have you made toward your project goals that you are excited to share?

If you would like to review your project goals as stated in your MoU addendum "Project Description" please contact to receive a copy.
4. What delays or unforeseen obstacles have challenged you, and what advice would you lend to other groups to navigate similar obstacles?

5. What type(s) of support does the project currently receive from CascadiaNow!, and what additional support would you like to receive?

6. If any of the project leaders have new contact information since the last reporting period, please provide updated information here.

Please list names and emails. These are project leaders who will be signing on any upcoming MoU renewals or we will send a MoU addendum for mid-contract project leader changes. This addendum must be signed by project leaders exiting the project and new project leaders. Thank you!

Enter "N/A" if none.

7. Optional Image Share/Activity Narrative File Upload

Images help us spread the word about your project and its activities! Please attach any images (that we have full permission to use as we see fit) when you return your report. If you choose to type "attached" in step 1, please upload your Project Activity detail/narrative here. Thank you!

Have more images to share or more to report? Please email Thank you SO much!