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Make a Gift to Support Whose Streets? Our Streets!

Your gift helps support BIPOC community leadership in defining what safety means on our streets and in our neighborhoods.

With your support, we are pushing to:

  1. Cease involvement of the police in traffic enforcement.

  2. Prioritize non-punitive methods for making streets safer.

  3. Abolish enforcement of actions that don’t harm other people.

  4. Invest in communities of color, and trust, support, and invest in the owners and experts of those communities.

Gift Information


Share any message or notes you'd like us to know.

Contact Information


Donations to Whose Streets? Our Streets! are tax deductible through our 501 (c) 3 Fiscal Sponsor, Seattle Neighborhood Greenways, to the extent allowable by law. Seattle Neighborhood Greenways' Federal Tax ID number is 46-4559223.

To donate by check, make your check payable to: Seattle Neighborhood Greenways, 1424 11th Ave Ste 400, Seattle, WA 98122, and add a note on the check that your donation is for Whose Streets? Our Streets! For questions about giving, please contact or 206-880-1187.