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2023-2024 Returning Y-WE Mentor Application

***If you have NOT mentored with Y-WE before, please click here to fill out the New Mentor Application!***

Thanks for your interest in coming back to mentor with Y-WE! Please note that the form below must be completed in one session- you will not be able to save it and finish later. 

The form will ask which program(s) you are interested in and available for. You can check out the upcoming program offerings on the program page of Y-WE's website. Those descriptions also include the dates/times of programs.

We'll be in touch once we're ready to start pairing mentors with programs. Summer is a super busy time for all the Y-WE staff, so don't worry if you don't hear from us right away!

If you have any needs or questions, please contact Neli (she/they) at


Personal Information

she/her, they/them, he/him, etc.

Please double check that the date provided is accurate! We need your name AND birthdate in order to run the required background check.


Y-WE is dedicated to creating inclusive spaces and programs for all, including people with disabilities and specific accommodation needs.

Interests and Experience

Your answers to these questions help us to get to know you better and understand what inspired you to apply to be a mentor at Y-WE. We shape our programs around the passions and goals of the women and youth who participate--so your answers to these questions really matter to us! This program is here to support YOU and our youth in the best way possible.

Prospective drivers must submit appropriate documents before driving on behalf of Y-WE (license, insurance, etc). Driving support is one of the most impactful ways to help keep programs accessible to youth!

Demographic Information

Y-WE collects this data to better understand our community, and to improve and obtain support for our programs. Your answers are confidential and will not be shared outside of Y-WE except as part of anonymous percentages.

Emergency Contact Info


Commitment to Y-WE

As a mentor, your consistent attendance is essential! Please check the dates of the program you are applying for to make sure you can attend most of the program, and make attending mentor trainings/meetings a priority. If you have questions about this, please contact us. A few reminders: by filling out this form you're giving Y-WE consent to run standard background checks; the situation with Covid continues to evolve and we'll ask everyone to follow Y-WE's safety policies and guidelines specific to the program/space/timing/etc; we ask folks to fill out updated Hold Harmless/Medical forms every year or so- we'll let you know if we need fresh ones from you.