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Parnas Hayom

Dedicate a Day of Torah Learning!

We are so proud to offer an opportunity for Torah learning to make a meaningful impact on both our students and community members. Thank you for investing in Politz by dedicating a day on which our students' Torah learning helps to mark an important moment- whether it is to commemorate or celebrate a loved one, help one merit good health or fortune, or any special reason or occasion.

Your generosity will set a beautiful example for our students about the communal and personal value of Torah learning. Thank you for sponsoring Parnas Hayom at Politz Day School!

Contact Information


Please enter how you would like the dedication to appear in announcements. Please include the Hebrew date here if you would like to include it (i.e. Sponsored by the Smith family in memory of our grandmother, Susan Smith, whose yahrtzeit is 3 Elul.)

Please choose the day you would like to sponsor Parnas Hayom. If you are submitting this form within 24 hours of the requested date, please email to confirm availability of the date.

We are happy to email the announcement of your dedication to anyone you would like to share it with. Please enter name and email address above.