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2024 Fall Online Living the Richmond Pledge to End Racism Workshop

Please complete this registration form for the Living the Pledge to End Racism Workshop to be held online via Zoom on Tuesdays, September 24 - November 12, 2024, from 6:30pm - 8:30pm ET.  (No session Oct 15 or Nov 5)


Contact Information


Do you live or work in the Greater Richmond, VA, Region?
Special Message to people from outside of the Greater Richmond Region

We appreciate your interest in the Pledge to End Racism. In order to develop the Richmond Pledge to End Racism network, we give priority to people who live or work in the Greater Richmond Region. If the workshop fills up (which we do not anticipate at this time), we might have to cancel your registration to make room for Richmond-area folks. 

If you are from a city outside of the Greater Richmond Region, please contact Annette Marquis and Anita Lee at about how to bring the Pledge to End Racism Initiative to your community.  

Thank you for understanding. 

Demographic Data

We use demographic data to aid us in creating diverse small groups.  Please answer as you feel comfortable.

If you are affiliated with a faith community, congregation, organization, school, college, or university, please list it here.
Select the race/ethnicity you primary identify with or select other and enter your own

What is your generation?
To which gender do you most identify?

Select all the ways you heard about this workshop

Please tell us other ways you heard about this workshop


While our workshop leaders and small group facilitators all donate their time to make these workshops happen, there are still costs associated with developing and promoting the Pledge and workshop. Please offer what you can to help us spread the Pledge to others, knowing that no one will be turned away based on ability to pay.