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Gift Cards Purchase and Pay with Check or Venmo

What a great way to support A Pathway to Hope!   You puchase gift cards in the amount you normally spend at the grocery store and receive full value - no extra cost to you.  BUT we get a 5% "commission" if you will as a donation from Shop Rite, Acme and Stop n Shop.  Just fill in the form and we will mail you the cards - it's that easy!

Please tell all your friends - it will help us to rescue more animals in need AND assist in founding Hope's Home with virtually no cost to you for the donation.


This form is for those who would like to pay via CHECK or VENMO.  If you would rather pay using a credit card or PayPal, please CLICK HERE.

Contact Information


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Please let us know how you plan to pay for the gift cards. If by Venmo or Check, please note that the payment is for Gift Cards so we can match up your form to the payment when received. For checks, please make payable to A Pathway to Hope and mail to: A Pathway to Hope c/o Tricia Porter 1 Hillcrest Ave. Mendham, NJ 07945 Venmo @apathwaytohope