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Your Name & Email

Do you prefer to use a name other than your first name? e.g., a nickname or middle name.

This email will be used for all AAPPN emailed communications including newsletters, event announcements, listserv posts, and membership renewals.

Membership & Eligibility

If you are licensed in WA State as a psychiatric nurse practitioner, please renew as a Clinical member even if you live in another state. Out-of-State membership is for psychiatric nurse practitioners who are licensed, but not in WA State. For details about membership and eligibility, please visit and select Eligibility under the Membership menu.
Are you currently licensed to practice as an advanced practice psychiatric nurse in the State of Washington?

Are you currently licensed to practice as an advanced practice psychiatric nurse outside the State of Washington?

Please list which state(s) you are licensed in as an advanced practice psychiatric nurse.

Since you are licensed in Washington State, please join as a Clinical member.

Exceptions: If you are age 65+ or retired, you may join as an Emeritus member regardless of which state(s) you are licensed in. If you graduated from a PMHNP program within the last 12 months, you may join as a Student member.

Update Contact Information

Update your AAPPN membership record. Please note, this form will not update the information for your profile in AAPPN's provider directory.

What is the best number for AAPPN to use to reach you during the day?
Please update if this has changed since last year.

Please update if this has changed since last year. When do you expect to graduate? If you graduated within the last year, when did you graduate?

Get Involved

For details about the following volunteer opportunities, please visit and select Volunteer under the Connection menu.
Get to know your colleagues, build your leadership skills, and support your profession.

Other Information

Please update if there have been recent changes.

Where did you receive or will receive your master's or doctoral degree in psychiatric-mental health nursing?