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Give to Our Community

Your support is key in helping NECC to provide programs, activities, and spaces that build individual well-being and strengthen community connections.

Gifts of any size are so appreciated, and every bit of support makes a difference. 

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Annual Fund - membership and program revenue does not fully cover cost of operations. The Annual Fund is a General Operating Fund that the NECC utilizes where it is most needed to keep the lights on, doors open, and continuity of programs.

Health Insurance Membership Fund - the reimbursement rates from programs like Silver&Fit and RenewActive remain lower than our regular membership dues. To close the gap, we are asking members in these programs to help us by making a monthly donation of $17 or an annual gift of $200. 

Community Fund - a community-funded financial resource focused on removing cost as a barrier for low-income communities through fee adjustments for NECC programs and activities.

Let us know any special instructions regarding your donation.