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Thank You for Supporting 20 Years of Writing Community!

It's 2022, and we are celebrating 20 years of our fabulous writing community! To help sustain JRW for 20 more years, please consider donating below. Your support helps to provide:

  • Education and professional development for writers at all levels of expertise
  • Scholarships for aspiring writers
  • A platform for writers to share their work and expand their audiences
  • Vital opportunities for building community and connections with other writers
  • A thriving literary community

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Donation | Celebrating 20 Years of JRW!

Thank you for supporting our fundraising goals in order to ensure James River Writers can continue to provide the support and inspiration writers need to attain their goals. We couldn't do it without you!

Recurring gifts allow you to "set it and forget it" and provide consistent support of our programming year-round. You can choose monthly or annual recurring gifts. Of course, a one-time gift is always appreciated as well!


Please indicate here if you are making a donation for a specific purpose, e.g. scholarship, to pay for a service, to purchase advertising, etc. Scholarship funds provide conference attendance for teachers, students, and historically marginalized writers.

Please write in the name of your honoree, if applicable.