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Contact Information


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Select all that apply.
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Ticket Options

EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT APPLIES UNTIL 11/08/24 at 12:00PM. Discount codes are also available for sponsors, speakers, vendors, and scholarship recipients. Contact for more information.

Case Sensitive

Thank you for your sponsorship!

Sponsorship packages include TN Local Food Summit conference tickets. Details include: Truckload Sponsorship: 5 full conference tickets | Wheelbarrow Sponsorship: 4 full conference tickets | Bushel Sponsorship: 3 full conference tickets | Peck & Berry Basket Sponsorships: 2 full conference tickets | Vendor Sponsorship: 1 full conference ticket

Thank you for being a conference speaker!

Congratulations on recieving a scholarship!

Conference Meals & Activities

Please select all the meals and activities you plan to attend. This will help our staff plan accordingly. Thank you!
Please select all meals and activities you plan on attending.

Additional Registrants

If you are securing tickets for other people, please provide the necessary registration information below.

You selected multiple tickets. To help our staff prepare for registration, how many people will attend the conference? Please limit each submission to six (6) registrants.


Please select all meals and activities you plan on attending.


Please select all meals and activities you plan on attending.


Please select all meals and activities you plan on attending.


Please select all meals and activities you plan on attending.


Please select all meals and activities you plan on attending.