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Member Grantee Event 

hosted by 2023 Grantee Lunch Break


Date:  Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Time:  6:30pm

Location: Lunch Break Training Room (121 Drs James Parker Blvd, Red Bank)

Lunch Break Chef will prepare light fare 

Please join us for an evening at Lunch Break to receive an update on the Family Promise-Traditional Housing for Families.  We will also have the ability to tour the facility and participate in an EFT/Tapping presentation given by Dinneen Jackson.  


Tap into Tapping, Presented by Dinneen Jackson, MA, NBC-HWC

Tapping, also called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a form of energy psychology that combines the mind, the body, and its energy field to treat  emotional and physical symptoms.

Tapping is based on the Chinese theory of energetic meridians. Chinese medicine believes that we all have meridians, which are energetic pathways that run through our bodies (similar to how blood runs through our veins). When we are sick, those meridians are blocked. To heal, needles are placed in specific acupuncture points on the body to unblock the energy to restore health. Tapping also uses energetic meridians, except tapping with your fingers is done on the specific energy points instead of using needles. 
Tapping is simple, easy, and effective. Research has shown that it can actually improve brain structure and function, effectively treat anxiety, depression, addiction, symptoms of trauma, and a host of other emotional and physical problems. It has been demonstrated to reduce stress and anxiety in under 10 minutes by 41%.  Participants will leave with a powerful tool to help cope with emotional and physical challenges.
