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The Next Step in Your Mussar Journey.

Madrichah: Hope Melton

Mondays, weekly on Zoom

6-7:30 p.m. CST

October 21 - December 10, 2024

*This class is for students with previous Mussar experience*

It was Einstein who said “We will not solve our problems with the mindset that created them.” This course will widen our Mussar “lens” from the sphere of our closest others to the community or societal level. We will observe how the tension between the yetzer harah and the yetzer hatov manifests at the societal level by focusing primarily on individualism, structural racism, and inequality; the paradigm or mindset that creates and drives them and their consequences for society. We will consider a paradigm shift, based on the Mussar obligation to care for the Other, that could result in care-centered public policies to create a more just, equitable, and sustainable society. The relevant middot are Tzedek (justice), Arevut/Aharayut (solidarity), Kavod (honor/respect), Anavah (humility), and Savlanut (patience). The use of Zikkui ha’Rabbim Action Plan will apply the tools of Mussar practice to various social systems—family systems, workplace systems, societal systems.

"I am not advancing particular solutions to societal problems. Rather, I want to highlight the societal level of our Mussar obligation to care for the Other and how Mussar values, middot, and practices can shape the questions that guide our decision-making at the personal and collective levels to move us towards a more democratic, equitable, and sustainable society."

Required text for this course: Tony Judt's "Ill Fares the Land". Available on Amazon for $10.

*Please note, this class has a maximum capacity of 8 students.

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Center for Contemporary Mussar
1730 New Brighton Blvd
Suite #104-229
MPLS, MN 55413

Thank you!


See list of all CCM classes here.

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