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2024 MeckMIN Youth Summit Covenant

The following standards of behavior are designed to support our efforts to live together as a community.  The purpose of these actions is to help us honor our commitment to one another and maintain a caring and supportive environment. We believe that violations of the covenant result from good people making bad decisions. Our hope is to create a safe and trustworthy community while holding people accountable for their actions in a caring way that affirms their place and importance in this summer camp experience.

  • People are to be treated with dignity and respect at all times.
  • No one may possess illegal drug paraphernalia, or possess, use, or be under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol.
  • No use or possession of tobacco products of any kind.
  • No fireworks, firearms, or other weapons of any kind (including pocketknives).
  • No game toys or any electronics.
  • No inappropriate sexual behavior.
  • No acts of theft or violence.
  • All other norms set for a specific event must be followed.

If a youth or adult violates any of these standards during the “Youth Summit”, the Summit Committee and/or Executive Director of MeckMIN will decide upon the course of action. Consequences may include, but are not limited to, a verbal or written apology, exclusions from a certain event, and for major or repeated offenses, informing the parent(s) and being sent home early from an event at your expense.