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Fruit Tree Pruning Lunch and Learn Workshop

Pruning a fruit tree correctly is the difference between a tree that produces fruit and grows healthy for many years, and a tree that bears little or no fruit and that will fail. Pamela Draper,  local fruit tree expert and Master Gardener, will help us understand how to prune fruit trees so their root system and crown grow healthy, and so you can reap the fruits of good tree care! 

Join us at the UW-T Giving Garden for this lunch and learn workshop. 

Address: 1953 Fawcett Ave, Tacoma, WA 98402

Tools will be provided, but you’re welcome to bring your own. We recommend bringing the following resources:

  • Gloves (we’ll have some on hand, too!)
  • Sun glasses or clear glasses to protect your eyes
  • Long sleeves and weather-appropriate clothing

Please bring your own lunch! We’ll have warm beverages available. 

This event is capped at 20 and registration is required. 

The first 4 people to register will receive a FREE fruit tree!


Contact Information

If you're one of the first four people to sign up, you'll receive a fruit tree at the workshop. Would you like one? Please consider if you have the space for a tree and the resources (mulch, water, etc) to care for the tree. We can certainly point you in the right direction if you have the space and need access to tree care resources!

Are you registering for yourself or more people? Bring your friends or family! Just let us know how many people to expect so we can make sure to accommodate for the right number of attendees.
We take photos of our events. Can we use photos with your image to share our work with others?

If there is any way we can make sure that this event is accessible to you and/or yours, please let us know.
Please consider supporting our work with a donation

We are committed to providing Tacoma urban area residents with free trees and free education. If you would like to support this work with a donation, we would grately appreciate it! You can do so here.

Thank you. 

Thanks for signing up!

We look forward to seeing you on Friday, September 27 at the Giving Garden! Thanks for joining us!

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