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Queer Yiddish Summer 2024

Queer Yiddish 101 (8 sessions):

Mondays at 7:30pm-9pm (Pacific Time), starting on July 29 and ending on September 16 (skipping Sep 2 for Labor Day) on Zoom.

No Nus? Good news!
We'll start with reading and writing the alef-beys, some basic history of the Yiddish language, pronouns/neopronouns, gender-inclusive terms, and go from there! Yiddish Book Center Pedagogy fellow Sasha Berenstein will guide us through conversational basics using resources from the Center's exciting new textbook, In Eynem, by Asya Vaisman Shulman. So nu, vos makhstu? 

No experience required! Prior knowledge of the Yiddish alef-beys is recommended. This class is open to folks of all ages, abilities, orientations and gender identities, with space held for queer and trans folks.

For more info and to register, email Sasha at:
Intro to Ashkenazi Hebrew Cantillation (8 sessions):

Wednesdays at 6:30pm-8pm (Pacific Time), starting on July 31 and ending on September 18 on Zoom.
In this class, we will be going over and practicing all the different Torah trop (trope/cantillation), practicing what we learn with excerpts from the Torah, as well as learning Ashkenazi Hebrew pronunciation. Whether you have a Torah parsha that you're preparing for your B'nei Mitzvah, or you're interested in being able to leyn (chant) from the Sefer Torah during services, or want to learn Torah trop for any other reason, we'd love to have you join us! Students are welcome and encouraged, but in no way are required, to bring a particular Torah text to learn. 
This class will be taught in English, with prior knowledge of the Hebrew script strongly recommended. 
This class is open to folks of all ages, abilities, orientations and gender identities, with space held for queer and trans folks.

For more info, email Sasha at:
Yiddish History Through Music (8 sessions):
Join us for a unique dive into the past and present of Yiddish history through the lens of music and song! 
Thursdays at 5:30pm-7pm (Pacific Time), starting on August 1 and ending on September 19 on Zoom 
Let's explore the vast world of Jewish history and art they don't teach you about in Hebrew school! In this class we will be diving into the history and culture of Ashkenazi Jews and the Yiddish language through exploring the music they sang and played throughout Eastern Europe and America. By listening to the songs we will get a glimpse into Jewish social, cultural, and political movements and how they have evolved through the years. 

Course Learning Objectives:
The object of this class is to help gain a broader understanding of the history and culture of Ashkenazi Jews throughout the last few centuries, and to learn a number of Yiddish songs.

Knowledge areas covered
 History of the Yiddish language and its dialects
 History and paths of Ashkenazi Jewish migration
 Eastern European and American Jewish cultural, social, and political movements
 Yiddish folk songs
 Klezmer music
No experience required! This class is open to folks of all ages, abilities, orientations and gender identities, with space held for queer and trans folks.

For more info, email Sasha at:  


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