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Art, Ecology & Circus Camp 2024 - Scholarship Recipient

If you have heard from us that your child is elligible for a camp scholarship, we need you to register the camper by filling out the following form.

If you have been awarded a partial scholarship, we will follow up with you about paying the remainder of amount.

Contact Information

at the time of the camp - July 22nd, 2024

(what to bring list, weekly schedule, snacks, performance information will be sent to email, if applicable)

By checking this box, I give my permission for the above mentioned camper to participate in DSAEC's Art & Ecology & Circus Camp. It is my understanding that the camp will include activities such as hiking, wading, creek stomping, field, and wildlife observations, as well as inadvertent exposure to potentially harmful animals and/or plants (such as bees, wasps, and poison ivy). In consideration of DSAEC’s acceptance of this child’s registration, I assume any risk connected with this child’s participation in such activities related to personal or bodily injury and agree to hold harmless the Dreaming Stone Arts and Ecology Center, its officials, directors, employees, volunteers, and agents for damage arising from any injury to this child. I authorize DSAEC Arts & Ecology & Circus Camp staff to arrange for transportation and/or necessary emergency treatment for this child should the need arise and I cannot be reached. Furthermore, I understand that I must sign a Waiver of Liability (provided by DSAEC) before the child is able to attend the camp.
As a parent of the above mentioned camper, I hereby consent that any photographs, videotapes, recordings, etc., in which my child appears may be used by the Dreaming Stone Arts and Ecology Center, in whatever way they desire, and that these photographs, records, etc., shall become the property, which they may use free and clear of any claims on my part.