Colorado Farm & Food Alliance

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Regenerative Ag Gardens and Classroom

We are excited to see the emergence of our learning and demonstration gardens and outdoor, timberframe classroom at Arbol Farm, Paonia, CO -

Now we need YOUR help!


The Colorado Farm & Food Alliance’s community space has made great strides in 2024 and we are excited to complete the design and installation, to create an inviting, accommodating welcoming community learning and garden space.

Growing from our 'Just Good Food' program, this space fulfills a long-time ambition and will serve as a convening space, a model for conservation-minded practices and a source for food-sharing. 

Your support will help make this possible. Read about the gardens and class here. 


The following are some ways your donation can support the Regenerative Gardens & Classroom:

  • $5,000 - Plant one wing of the butterfly: Help us complete garden design
  • $2,500 - Build an all-accessibility garden bed
  • $1,000 - Finish planting our mini-orchard
  • $750 - Put the floor in our classroom
  • $250 - Tools and supplies

*Talk with us if you have other ideas. Our fundraiser is ongoing and we welcome support at any level.


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