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Challah for Hunger Order Form

Thank you for ordering a challah from Vanderbilt Hillel's Challah for Hunger Chapter.  Your generous donation will not only buy you a delicious challah, it will also help combat hunger in Nashville and globally.

  • Each challah for purchase is $5.
  • Challahs can be picked up between 6:30pm-7:30pm on THURSDAYS upstairs at Hillel. (If you want them warm, don't miss this!) OR from 11 am-1pm at Rand Wall on FRIDAYS.
  • All challahs MUST be picked up by 1 p.m. on the Friday of the bake week.

Questions about your purchase? Email

Please select the date for which you would like to place an order of Challah.

Student Receiving the Challah Order


Click here if you are from Belmont and can come and grab your challah on Friday night. We will have it waiting for you at Shabbat.

Billing Information
