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Quilt Donation

Thank you for your interest in donating one of your quilts to the Virginia Quilt Museum. While below are the main qualifications for our collections, they serve as guidelines. Please answer to the best of your ability. Please fill out one form per quilt.

Note: we are not currently accepting quilt racks. If you would like to donate something other than a quilt, please email images and information to

Contact Information


Birthday, death date, occupation, family members, etc.

Mother, sister, in-law, friend, etc.

Wedding, birth, anniversary, graduation, etc.

Photo Uploads

Please upload pictures of your quilt here. If you have more photos you would like us to see please email them to

As much of the quilt as you can fit in one picture, we understand getting the whole quilt in a picture can be hard or impossible.

A close up that shows off the quilting

Another detail shot

If there is damage to the quilt please include a photo of it here.