Business Partnership Opportunities
$10,000 - Top Dog Business Partnership Benefits
- A one-hour snuggle session at the ARLNH for up to 10 people (on a mutually agreeable date/time).
- Group volunteer opportunity
- Your company's logo displayed in the ARLNH lobby and at signature events year-round.
- Your company's logo displayed on the ARLNH website with a link to your company's website.
- Social media promotion (Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn).
- 8 tickets to ARLNH Signature Events.
- Your company's logo displayed in semi-annual newsletter mailed to 3,500+ homes.
- Your company's logo displayed in monthly e-newsletter sent to 8,400+ homes.
- You may provide a one-page flyer advertising your company to go home with every adopter!
$7,500 - Cool Cat Business Partnership Benefits
- An animal transport named after your company!
- Group volunteer opportunity.
- Your company's logo displayed in the ARLNH lobby and at ARLNH signature events year-round.
- Your company's logo displayed on the ARLNH website with a link to your company's logo.
- Social medial promotion (Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn).
- 6 tickets to ARLNH Signature Events.
- Your company's logo displayed in semi-annual newsletter mailed to 3,500+ homes.
- Your company's logo displayed in monthy e-newsletter sent to 8,400+ homes.
- You may provide a one-page flyer advertising your company to go home with every adopter.
$5,000 - Faithful Friend Business Partnership Benefits
- Naming rights to a litter of animals!
- Group volunteer opportunity
- Your company's logo displayed in the ARLNH lobby and at ARLNH signature events year-round.
- Your logo displayed on the ARLNH website with a link to your company's website.
- Social media promotion (Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn).
- 4 tickets to ARLNH Signature Events
- Your company's logo displayed in semi-annual newsletter mailed to 3,500+ homes.
- Your company's logo displayed in monthly enewsletter sent to 8,400+ homes.
- You may provide a one-page flyer advertising your company to go home with every adopter.
$2,500 - Animal Champion Business Partnership Benefits
- Your company's logo displayed in the ARLNH lobby and at ARLNH signature events year-round.
- Your logo displayed on the ARLNH website with a link to your company's website.
- Group volunteer opportunity.
- Social media promotion (Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn).
- 2 tickets to ARLNH Signature Events
- Your company's logo displayed in semi-annual newsletter mailed to 3,500+ homes.
- Your company's logo displayed in monthly enewsletter sent to 8,400+ homes.
$1,000 - Paw Pal Business Partnership Benefits
- Your company's logo displayed in the ARLNH lobby and at ARLNH signature events year-round.
- Your logo displayed on the ARLNH website with a link to your company's website.
- Group volunteer opportunity.
- 1 ticket to ARLNH Signature Events
- Your company's logo displayed in semi-annual newsletter mailed to 3,500+ homes.
- Your company's logo displayed in monthly enewsletter sent to 8,400+ homes.
$500 - Rescue Rallier Business Partnership Benefits
- Your company's logo displayed in the ARLNH lobby and at ARLNH signature events year-round.
- Your logo displayed on the ARLNH website with a link to your company's website.
- Group volunteer opportunity.
- Your company's logo displayed in semi-annual newsletter mailed to 3,500+ homes.
- Your company's logo displayed in monthly enewsletter sent to 8,400+ homes.