Student Advocacy Center of Michigan

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Your Gift Is Needed Right Away To Help A Child In Need!

We want you to meet "Alli", Alli is only 12 years old but has a long list of diagnoses. ADHD, ODD, DMDD ... the alphabet soup really means Alli needs extra help. She has a disability and under federal and state laws, she has the right to an education.

The problem? Instead of help, she has gotten suspensions and more recently an IOU for the legally required services she needs. She needs help now, not July.

We are seeing more and more youth being told there isn’t staff to help them. We are leaving behind kiddos with disabilities. It’s not OK.

But you can help! You can help ensure Alli and students like her have caring adult support and advocacy to get the school supports she needs. Your donation can also support advocacy in Lansing to get schools the funding they need to do their jobs. (We had a lot of success for this year!)

You and I believe education is a right, don’t we? We can’t and won’t give up on students like Alli.

An IOU just won’t work. Her future matters now and with your donation, we will fight for that future every day.

We are experiencing the 3rd year in a row of historic call numbers — at the same time as national giving is down and inflation is up. We cannot help kids like Alli without your support.

You know we are here for the children who are too often forgotten, excluded, and ignored. They deserve love and connection, too. And with your support, that is what they will receive. Please give what you can today!

(If you prefer to donate through PayPal, click here.)



Provide a mailing address if it's okay for us to let them know about your gift.

Provide an e-mail address if it's okay for us to let them know about your gift.

Many employers match charitable gifts made by their employees. Let us know who your employer is and potentially double or even tripple the power of your donation.