Student Advocacy Center of Michigan

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Your Gift Is Needed To Help a Student This Summer

It's crunch time for students like Damon, who needs to catch up this summer and get back on track to graduate. Will you help?

Damon had been skipping class and struggling with the work. Sometimes, the school would find him skipping and confront him. He would react defensively and angrily — so much that he found himself getting suspended and eventually assigned to a virtual school. Damon is on a path to drop out if something dramatic doesn’t happen. 

That’s where you come in. With the support of everyday community members like you, we are able to build a relationship with Damon and other students, meet with him every week (sometimes multiple times a week), and give him that intensive, unconditional support he needs to start making up classes.

Please give what you can today!

(If you prefer to donate through PayPal, click here.)



Provide a mailing address if it's okay for us to let them know about your gift.

Provide an e-mail address if it's okay for us to let them know about your gift.

Many employers match charitable gifts made by their employees. Let us know who your employer is and potentially double or even tripple the power of your donation.