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Capture Columbia Summer 2024 Registration


What is Capture Columbia?

Are you interested in learning about the various industries of Columbia through exploration, service, and networking? Capture Columbia is a FREE talent retention program for college-age students in the greater Columbia region. The program consists of four events, weekly, that provide opportunities to connect attendees to the community and jumpstart their careers locally.

Capture Columbia participants have an opportunity to:

  • Engage with leaders of Columbia's business community
  • Network with interns and associates from companies across the area
  • Learn what the Columbia region has to offer by going behind-the-scenes of local establishments


All Capture Columbia events for Summer 2024 will take place on Wednesdays from 6 - 8 p.m., June 12 - July 17. 


You are eligible to participate in Capture Columbia if you are:

  • College-age student (with or without a summer internship)
  • College-age non-student, interested in starting the career in Columbia
  • Recent graduates who are working at a summer internship, summer job, apprenticeship, within the Columbia area. 

Presented by Columbia Opportunity Resource (COR) and the Midlands Business Leadership Group (MBLG).

Contact Information


Used for event updates and reminders.

What is your major?

If you were told about this program from an internship or professor, please tell us who recommended this program to you (first and last name).

Please give us the email of the supervisor/professor.

Please put "N/A" if you have no dietary restrictions
Schedule of Events

New Capture LGL Graphic.png

Please select which event(s) you are able to attend! All events are from 6-8pm. *Please note the Kickoff at Koger event scheduled for June 12 is sold out. If you'd like to attend the networking portion for this event, please reach out to*
A social media takeover is when you will “takes over” our social media account for a period of time and post content on our behalf.

Additional Information

Please feel free to register for each event individually or email

Community leaders can register here!