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VFN Distributor Membership Form

New members: Welcome, and thanks for joining VFN! Please fill this form out as thoroughly as possible.  Much of this information populates your directory listing.

Renewing Members: Welcome back! Please fill out the short list of required fields and only anything that has changed or you'd like to update (description, contact name, address, etc.).  Any information in this form will override what is currently in your directory listing.

Please check the partners - we add to the list monthly!

If you have been a member previously, choose Renewal here (even if your membership has lapsed).

Basic Contact Information


We send twice-monthly updates with events, webinars, workshops, etc. relevant to VFN members. Please add e-mails of any staff (beyond the admin contact already listed) who should receive this update.

Public Directory Information

Additional contact & business details for the public directory

For display in a public directory listing - please keep short (we will edit for space if necessary)

E-mail for customers to contact

Please include full website link. Example:

Please include full website link. Example:

Please include full website link. Example:

Please include full website link. Example:

Please input the hours you are open to the public - leave blank if not applicable.

Your member packet will include instructions for incorporating additional images into your listing.

Business Directory Information

This information is for members only. It is optional, but much appreciated.

If there are different contacts than the administrative contact already provided, please include them here. Please indicate contacts' titles / department.
Membership Criteria

Distributors must have at least 4 purchasing agreements with farmers, producers, or processors who are members of the Vermont Fresh Network. 

Check all partners whose products you carry. This list is updated monthly to reflect new members.
Please select all VFN partners that you regularly sell or distribute to. We verify these partnerships.

Membership Dues

Dues for Distributor members are based on sales volume. Please see below for our scale of rates.