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Intro to Poetry

Generate new poems in this five-week class designed to kick your writing into gear. Each week we'll share our writing, find inspiration in published poems, and respond to in-class exercises to get going on the next piece. Throughout the class we'll discuss craft, experiment with new poetic forms, play with language and line breaks, and find out what sparks our process. 
Instructor: Corey Miller is a writer and brewer from Cleveland, Ohio. His writing has been nominated for Best Microfictions, Best Small Fictions, and included on the Wigleaf Top 50 longlist. He was a finalist for the F(r)iction Flash Fiction Competition and shortlisted for The Forge Flash Fiction Competition. When he isn’t working or writing, he enjoys taking the dogs on adventures.


Details: Intro to Poetry meets Wednesdays January 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31 from 7-9 pm online via Zoom.

Prerequisites: None

Genre: Poetry

Level: Emerging

Format: Generative writing workshop with in-class writing and group sharing

Location: This class takes place online via Zoom

Size: Limited to 12 participants (including scholarships)

Suggested Sequence: Follow this class with another generative fiction writing workshop or a feedback course.

Scholarships: Two scholarship spots are available for this class for writers in Northeast Ohio. Apply by December 11.

Cancellations & Refunds: Cancel at least 48 hours in advance of the first class meeting to receive a full refund. Email

Contact Information - Required


Voluntary Demographic Information

NEW: As part of our ongoing efforts to make programs and classes more inclusive and accessible, we are now collecting voluntary demographic information during the registration process. The following information is entirely voluntary and will remain anonymous. It will only be used in aggregate to assess and improve services and inclusive practices to ensure we are serving our entire community equitably. Thank you!

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