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Rayo de Sol's Community Development Program

Community Development requires long-term partnerships and direct participation of families in the communities that we serve. We work to create lasting change through these critical activities:

  • Vocational Training: We coordinate with the local government to offer vocational courses in areas like sewing, baking, cooking, carpentry and mechanics so that adolescents and adults can develop critical job skills.
  • Family Business Development: We train families in entrepreneurship and provide micro-loans to start family businesses.
  • Sustainable Farming: We work with small farmers to implement biointensive farming, food forestry and other soil and water conservation practices.
  • Fuel-efficient Stoves: We install fuel-efficient stoves that eliminate smoke from homes and also reduces firewood consumption by 50%, which slows deforestation.
  • Rain Harvesting: In communities where water is scarce, we install rain harvesting systems and filters, to provide potable water to families.
  • Latrines: We build sanitary latrines for families, in order to improve health and hygiene and also reduce contamination.

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