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Into the Taharah Liturgy

Taught by: Rabbi Ebn Leader

Dates & Time: 

Tuesdays, December 5th, 12th, 19th 
12:00-1:00 p.m. Eastern / 9:00-10:00 a.m Pacific




$72 (sliding scale pricing information below)

About the Workshop: 

Like most Jewish liturgy, the liturgy we use for taharah is a multi-level text spanning time, generations, and ideas. Different phrases in the liturgy reflect different historical stages in the development of the ritual and different ideas about the goals and efficacy of what we are doing.

Join us for an in-depth analysis of the texts of taharah and discover how we ended up with two rituals of washing the body, what we mean when we apply the term “Tahor” to a dead body which in the halachic tradition is just as impure after the ritual as before, how gendered images shaped the “non-gendered” parts of the liturgy, and more. Hopefully, a deeper understanding of the origins of the text we use will enable the texts to serve as gateways for greater and varied meanings in the ritual itself.*

This series includes three meetings:

  1. The Texts of Rehitzah, physical washing
  2. The Texts of Taharah, spiritual purification 
  3. The texts of Halbashah, dressing

*This class assumes a basic familiarity with the commonly used liturgy of Taharah.

Taught by Rabbi Ebn Leader: 

Ebn Leader has been a student of Rabbi Arthur Green for 25 years. He joined Green in the founding of the Rabbinical School of Hebrew College, where he taught for 20 years.  He was also privileged to study extensively with rabbis David Hartman OBM and Zalman Schachter Shalomi OBM. His published work is in the field of Hasidism and Neo-Hasidism, most notably “Speaking Torah – Spiritual Teachings from Around the Maggid’s Table,” published by Jewish Lights. He is married to Rabbi Claudia Kreiman, and together they parent two daughters.



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Sliding Scale Pricing

Kavod v’Nichum strives to make our opportunities financially accessible and we utilize a sliding scale model based on need. When choosing your pricepoint, please take into consideration both your income and your wealth as you make this decision and the resources that your supporting organization may be contributing to this work as well. Click here to learn more about a model that informs our pricing structures. 
