Gateway Nature Preserve

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New Volunteer Registration and Liability Waiver


Thank you for volunteering your time! Please fill out the form below to register and to record your volunteer hours.



Sign-In Sheet & Acknowledgment of Event Participator Responsibility, Express Assumption of Risk, and Release of Liability

On behalf of myself and family members (if any), we do hereby release the Gateway Nature Preserve, its members, leaders, and coordinators or third parties, from all responsibility for any injuries, accidents or damages sustained while participating as a volunteer. We certify our fitness and preparation to participate in volunteer events, and knowingly and freely accept the risk of such participation. We understand that any volunteer event does not include carpooling, transportation, or transit to and from Gateway Nature Preserve, and we are personally responsible for and assume all risks to us associated with travel. Further, we do release all leaders, coordinators, members, or visitors from responsibility for any such injuries, accidents or damages that might be sustained during a volunteer event. We understand that any person participating in a volunteer event should, by their own volition, decide to leave the group in any manner, they shall do so at their own risk. Neither Gateway nor its members shall be responsible in any manner for such actions. We have read and understand this liability waiver in its entirety, and we freely and voluntarily assume all risks of such injuries and damages, and notwithstanding such risks, we agree to participate in this event. 

By typing my name below, I am hereby acknowledging acceptance of this liability waiver on behalf of myself and family members (if any).